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About DST/1031 Exchanges

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Who WE Are

About RK Properties

Having exclusively been in the apartment investment business since 1976, RK Properties finds itself without many peers. The key to our success has been that we have created a specialized market niche and filled it well for decades. Today, we are still working with the same philosophy. We look for something special where we know we can add value and own a property that is worthy of both pride and profit.

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We are approaching our 5th decade in the real estate multifamily business, an accomplishment very few in our industry can match. We have navigated good times and bad and have always kept our eye on the ball. Today we are as excited about the future as we have ever been and our success can be attributed in large part to the wonderful people that make up RK Properties, many of who have been with us for most of our time in business.

You can be assured that RK Properties will continue to lead the way in multifamily investing for a long time to come.

DISCLAIMER AND RISKS: This website does not represent an offer to sell any securities by RK Properties or its affiliates. Such an offer may only be made by an appropriate disclosure document delivered to accredited investors who reside in certain states and meet the suitability standards for such investments including net worth and income. There are substantial risks in any of our programs. Please review the applicable disclosure document to understand all the risks of the respective offering of the securities to which it relates. RK Properties does not represent or guarantee that an investment in any of our programs will result in economic gain or that investors may not lose all or a portion of their capital, nor does it represent that positions to be taken on federal income tax matters will be accepted by the IRS. Purchasers are urged to seek the advice of independent experts in evaluating any investment before committing to invest.

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